25% TCA Peel for Arms - 22 days to finish!

Twenty-two days ago, I applied 25% TCA peel solution to both my forearms. I did an alcohol cleansing of my arms first, then I put on 3 layers of the 25% TCA peel and did not rinse it off. I put lotion on my arms after about 5 minutes. It hurt for a long time, even when my thin cotton sleeves touched the hair on my arms.

Here's a picture before I applied the solution, so I can do a comparison after it is complete:

Before TCA peel (2012)
I did get a slight frost this time, but only on a small portion of my arm (far left on this picture):
Frost with 25% TCA Peel on arms (2012)
I took this picture in the evening, about 4-5 hours after I applied the peel. The picture doesn't show the redness as well as it could be seen.
25% TCA peel on arms, 4-5 hours after application

Day 3
25% TCA - day 3
Day 10
25% TCA - day 10
Day 13

25% TCA - day 13
Day 15
25% TCA - day15

25% TCA - Day 21
At day 21, there are still a few pieces of skin, which were gone by day 22.

It surprises me that it takes my face 3.5 days to finish peeling after 25% TCA, but my arms took a full 22 days to finish peeling! I did not use my DPL Light Therapy on my arms though, and it seems the further I get from my eyes, the slower the peel completes.

25% TCA Peel for Arms: Day 15

Fifteen days ago, I applied 25% TCA peel solution to both my forearms. I did an alcohol cleansing of my arms first, then I put on 3 layers of the 25% TCA peel and did not rinse it off. I put lotion on my arms after about 5 minutes. It hurt for a long time, even when my thin cotton sleeves touched the hair on my arms.

Here's a picture before I applied the solution, so I can do a comparison after it is complete:

Before TCA peel (2012)
I did get a slight frost this time, but only on a small portion of my arm (far left on this picture):
Frost with 25% TCA Peel on arms (2012)
I took this picture in the evening, about 4-5 hours after I applied the peel. The picture doesn't show the redness as well as it could be seen.
25% TCA peel on arms, 4-5 hours after application

Day 3
25% TCA - day 3
Day 10
25% TCA - day 10
Day 13

25% TCA - day 13
Day 15
25% TCA - day15
It surprises me that it takes my face 3.5 days to finish peeling after 25% TCA, but my arms still aren't finished on day 15! I am not using my DPL Light Therapyon my arms though, and it seems the further I get from my eyes, the slower the peel completes.

TCA Peel to Treat Herpes Fever blister: Before and After

I’ve read that a TCA Peel (Trichloroacetic Acid) can cause a fever blister or herpes for those who are prone to them (which I am), so I was a bit surprised at the SECOND email I’ve gotten in as many years stating that TCA Peel helps dry up fever blisters. I've gotten my share of fever blisters, usually after getting sunburned (when I was younger) or when I'm sick/feverish. 

Of course, I'm the biggest DIYer ever, so I tried using a 12.5% TCA peel solution on a recent fever blister (herpes)...results after I explain what I found out according to the medical community.

I’ve done some research, and I couldn’t find any studies that show a benefit with this type of treatment; in fact, most literature warns that those who are prone to herpes should use an antiviral before any chemical peel treatments (um, I've never used an antiviral before a chemical peel, but I know I'm supposed to).  However, I did see several pages that support the use of Trichloroacetic Acid for genital warts. Both herpes and genital warts are viruses, but they present in different forms on the skin.

In theory, it makes some sense: within hours after TCA peel application, the skin starts to dry out and die. I have had fever blisters before, but I’ve never dreamed of putting a TCA peel on them, and to be honest, I never would have had the courage without someone else trying it first. I would have been too afraid it would be even more noticeable!

The first email I received from a reader was almost a year ago. She said that she used a low-dose TCA peel and dabbed it on any area when she felt a fever blister coming on. I will admit that I thought it was crazy then and there, and I didn’t give it much thought after that...until a few months after that, when I received an email from a different reader. He said that he’s been using TCA peels as a treatment for his herpes for several years! I have to say that this is a use for TCA that I never would have thought of...and I've put some serious time into what I can use TCA for (including cleaning mineral build-up from my bathroom).

I’ve corresponded now with both of these readers to get more information on how they use the TCA peel on herpes (fever blisters). One used a 10% TCA peel solution, and the other uses a 25% TCA peel solution; and both more or less apply it with a cotton swab. One of the readers gets the sores just below or around her nostrils, and the other gets them on his lips (where I've gotten mine). It seems to work just as well in either of these areas. Remember, these are recounts of personal experiences. Never replace the advice of your medical professional with someone else's personal experience!

So, I started to get a fever blister a couple of days ago (to my great chagrin), and I decided to try this "treatment." Here are the before and after pictures:

I decided to mix a light batch, so I made at 12.5% TCA solution (because this is an easy 4:1).  Here's a picture of the fever blister (I caught it early, so it's small.)

Herpes Feverblister before TCA Peel
I dabbed a cotton swab in the solution and lightly touched it to the spot. Yes, it burned! I applied it only once, and I put nothing else on it. After about 4 hours, I could barely see the fever blister. Here's the after picture!
Herpes Fever blister after TCA Peel
The solution did seem to dry up the fever blister almost immediately. I had some minor flaking the next day, but it was not even noticeable after I applied a little lip balm. The herpes feverblister did not reappear. I'm sold on this use for TCA!

25% TCA Peel: Arms

Last year, I did a 15% TCA peel on my forearms. I had applied 5 layers, and I never saw a frost on them. Below is a photo from day 7 after the peel application .

15% TCA 5-layers on day 7, Oct, 2010

Today, I applied the remaining 25% TCA peel solution from my last facial TCA peel. I did an alcohol cleaning of my arms since there was oil on them from after my shower last night, then I put on 3 layers of the 25% TCA peel and did not rinse it off. I put lotion on my arms after about 5 minutes. It hurt for a long time, even when my thin cotton sleeves touched the hair on my arms.

Here's a picture before I applied the solution, so I can do a comparison after it is complete:
Before TCA peel (2012)
I did get a slight frost this time, but only on a small portion of my arm (far left on this picture):
Frost with 25% TCA Peel on arms (2012)
I took this picture in the evening, about 4-5 hours after I applied the peel. The picture doesn't show the redness as well as it could be seen.
25% TCA peel on arms, 4-5 hours after application

I'll post pictures as this peel progresses.