30% TCA at-home Peel

This 30% TCA chemical peel has been my highest at home so far; and after doing it, I don't think I can go any higher at home because it was red and burning--and it hurt! The burning for several days scared me a bit because I felt like I could have been in the early stages of an infection.

Although I am terribly careful about what I eat and drink during a peel--to promote faster healing, I was especially careful after the burning sensation continued. I drank only filtered water, ate wild-caught fish and fresh, organic veggies, along with a few fruits (to keep my sugar consumption very low).

I also applied anti-bacterial ointment on days 1-4, and I am sure that helped as well. I was afraid of a bad breakout, but I figured that was better than an infection and possible scarring! It was a smart decision. 

Note: I diluted the original formula from 50% to create a 30% (very close based on mixture). I also use the proper pH product to get the right peel. I always check the pH before buying and double check it with test strips before use. I did not neutralize this peel, but I probably should have, given how red it stayed for several days. It ended up being a great peel, although it was still risky.

Here is a series of photos covering the 10-day TCA at-home chemical peel (click on to enlarge each)


Frost (Yes, I was thinking, "what have I done?"):

Next morning:

Day 3:

 Day 5:

Day 6:

Day 8:

Day 10 (just moisturizer):

I just turned 50!