I have a lot of small moles on my face, and I want to get rid of them. Here's a picture of just a couple.
I tried Fraxel with my dermatologist, but it did not resolve them, and my insurance didn’t pay for them even though my dermatologist said they could be precancerous! So I decided to try trichloroacetic acid
(TCA), a medium peel, something my dermatologist said we could try next. I have decided to do it at home because it costs about $200 per treatment with a doctor, but I can get a bottle of 50% TCA for under $50, which should create about 20 treatments, more if I dilute.
Because trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is a medium peel, it penetrates deeper; therefore, it can cause more damage is not done properly, but that also means that deeper penetration can remove skin problems that are deeper, such as moles, wrinkles, scars, etc.
I also have persistent acne, although mild, so maybe the peels will help that too.
I’ve read that I need to prepare the skin for a TCA peel by using an alpha hydroxy acid
(AHA) for about a month. AHAs are lighter peels, which means they do not penetrate as deeply as medium or deep peels. I haven’t decided which AHA to use, so I have to do a little research.
I read that fraxel isn't good for melasma, so maybe that's why it didn't help with the moles. See this post: http://dermatologydr.blogspot.com/2010/06/lasers-to-treat-melasma.html