Diluting Glycolic Acid for Various Uses

The really great thing about a higher strength glycolic acid (an alpha hydroxy acid) is that you can use it for so many different issues.  I recently emailed the folks at Skin Laboratory to ask how to dilute my 50% glycolic acid gel peel without reducing the pH (1.7 is the pH for Skin Laboratory Glycolic Acid) so much that it becomes ineffective, and Katie responded the next day.  Here's what she said:

You can dilute the product by adding it to a moisturizer. You only want to mix the amount you would use for a single application. You can not mix a large amount, because the acid would break down the lotion. It can be added to aloe vera as well....same thing applies--only mix enough for a one time application. Please let me know if you have any other questions, Katie

So, here are a few ideas I came up with to better utilize the higher strength glycolic acid gel peels:

Full strength
  • weekly full-face peel to exfoliate
  • spot treatment (with a swab) between peels for those stubborn blemishes
  • soften those rough heels and elbows
  • prepare your skin for a TCA chemical peel

  • exfoliate after a medium chemical peel, such as TCA, when you can't use full strength
  • nightly treatment for melasma or other discoloration, such as freckles
  • to balance pH in alkaline skin
  • exfoliate eczema crusting
  • assist skin in attracting and retaining moisture
  • accelerate a TCA chemical peel

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