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4th TCA Peel - area 1 done

I applied 25% TCA solution on a problem area on Sunday, and it's Tuesday and done!  It looked so normal until this morning, then it just peeled after I did my oil cleansing.

Here's a close-up picture just after applying the peel on Sunday:

Here's the area this morning after oil cleansing (oil still on my face):

You can see it's a bit darker (easily hidden yesterday with concealer), and starting to peel.  By tonight, it was finished peeling and just barely pink...not really noticeable unless you knew.

Here's a picture on Wednesday (um, sorry about the specs, if you can see them...I'd just eaten about a quarter of a box of dry cereal):

Next week, I'm planning to tackle another problem area.

If you're following my nose-mole progress, I'm still waiting for anything to happen.  I applied the 50% TCA on that Sunday as well, and it hasn't changed.  I'll post a few pix when it does.


  1. Hi Gabi -
    I just finished forehead, nose, upper lip and chin of the 25% TCA. I didn't swipe the cheek area. Thank Goodness. Lemme tell you...OUCH! Stings like crazy. Almost feels as if my skin is shrinking? I used the 25% instead of my old 21% and the results are much better!
    My face is red. I did frost and used neutralizer. I then used antibiotic ointment. My face is throbbing. Still stings a bit too.
    Can I use this solution on neck later? I don't want to do too large of an area all at once.
    My hands are peeling from the 21% TCA, too.
    ~~~Thanks again...

  2. Barb, I've done areas on my neck, and it's much more sensitive, so I'd opt for the 21% first. Glad to read that you frosted with the newer solution. Oiy, I feel your pain! Happy healing and peeling!
