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TCA Peel Arms - Day 7

It’s day seven, and I feel like I’m molting. 

I have decided that I have OCD: I cannot keep from peeling this skin.  It’s disgusting!

If you decide to do TCA peels, please look through my posts to see what to expect.  Although this is day seven on my arms, I’ve discovered that my face peels much faster, um, and it’s much harder to do psychologically.


  1. Thanks for your posts and pictures. I'm waiting for your facial peel! I just wanted to warn you about pulling the skin that's peeling. You probably's not such a big deal on your arms, but when you do your face, please don't pull or it may leave a scar.

    1. I knows this arm peel was a while back but I know the anwser to keep from going through the massive flaking that takes so long with a TCA peel. The skin that turns dead has a hard time breaking away from the new skin underneath . So when you do a TCA med to deep you need to keep the skin moist around the clock with vitamin E, coconut oil, Shea butter, if the skin itches your not keeping it moist enough.When kept moist and rinsed 2times a day it helps the dead skin separate in larger sheets that you might have to trim never pull on them you will tear at the edges that are not ready main reason to trim a large sheet on face or arm is to not get it snagged .

  2. If you soak in sea salt every now and then and use a microfiber cloth, you shouldn't have that problem anymore. :)

  3. I experienced the same with slow peeling of my arm - took about 2 weeks to make it look somewhat normal again. The face took only 6 days.

  4. Yep, it seems the closer I get to my mouth, the faster I peel. My lips peel in about 2 days!

    1. Gabi, I had a Vi Peel and my face peeled quickly but my neck took a while. It was a great peel and I'm thrilled with the results. I recently applied a tca 15% peel on my forearms and it looks red and wrinkly and tight, but it's been 2 days with 0 peeling. Anything I can do to speed this up?

    2. Also, I did 2 applications the first day for about 3 minutes each. The very next day I did the same process. Hopefully, there will be no damage.

    3. I found that if I do a salt-water soak, it speeds up the healing and peeling, but that's tough with the face ;) although should work great with your arms. Thanks for the info in the Vi peel. Did you have the Vi peel done professionally? I see they can be purchased online now.
      I've only experienced damage if I expose the new skin to UV rays or if I pull the skin or pick to expose it while it's still healing. I learned quickly after my first peel not to do either! Fortunately, my experimental area was NOT my face :-o

  5. Hi Gabi, Are you still asnwering questions on the peel? Thanks

    1. Hi Dave, I am happy to share anything I can about my experience with peels. I just moved across the country, so I'm a bit behind with posts!
